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2-3 December 2024
8th Global Moon Village Workshop & Symposium

Call for presentations

We cordially invite you to submit presentations on a broad range of topics in Moon Village activities as follows. This Workshop & Symposium program will consist of organized sessions and “General Presentation” sessions. Applications for General Presentations are welcome. The oral presentations will be selected from the submitted abstract after reviews by the IPC members.

Submissions must be sent via email to by 23 October  2024

The following International Program Committee (IPC) members will coordinate the programand organize the sessions of the workshop and symposium.


Alessandro Bartoloni

MVA Board , INFN and CERN User Associate , Italy

Bob Lamboray

Luxembourg Space Agency


Gary Barnhard

MVA Board , INFN and CERN User Associate , Italy

Abigail Calzada-Diaz

ESRIC , Researcher, Luxembourg

Paolo Caratelli

Istituto Marangoni , Full Professor - Dubai, UAE

Soyoung Chang

Korean Space Agency (KARI) – South Korea

Samuel Crace

iSpace , Exploration Instruments PI, USA

Olivier Faure

The Exploration Company , Lead System Engineer, France

Christian Feichtinger

IAF , Executive Secretary

Bernard Foing

Chief Scientist Qosmosys Ltd , France

Yoshifumi Inatani

Professor Emeritus, ISAS/JAXA

Satoru Kuroso

MVA Board , Director , Yokogawa , Japan

Filippo Borgogno

SDA Bocconi , Researcher , Italy

Philipp Reiss

Technical University of Munich, Full Professor , Germany

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